Pest Free Tawa (PFT) engages our parks, reserves, residential properties, schools and businesses to protect the taonga of Tawa.
We see ecological pest management becoming entrenched as an everyday part of what it means to live, work and learn in Tawa. Tawa plays a key role in connecting Wellington with Porirua, so we make up part of the ‘front line of defence’ in the Predator Free Wellington movement. Tawa also holds regionally significant stands of forest which provide a spring-board for our manu mates to return to our suburb. Having endemic mokomoko/skinks and birds such as kākāriki, kākā and kārearea return to Tawa for the first time in over one hundred years has been the catalyst behind this project.
Our current goal is to get one in five households in Tawa trapping pests. To get on board with this exciting initiative, send an email to [Enable JavaScript to view protected content] and we’ll deliver a trap right to your door.